ningaloo reef


Download your tour photos - Relive the magic!

Welcome to our Tour Photo Download page! Here, you can access and download the incredible moments captured during your experience with Kings Ningaloo Reef Tours.

How it Works

  • unique PIN code will be emailed to you 24-48 hours after your tour to access your images
  • Once you have this PIN, revisit this page, click on your tour date and enter the PIN for access
  • Only tour participants can download photos
  • Feel free to share these images to your social media sites, we kindly ask you mention Kings Ningaloo Reef Tours if doing so.


If you did not provide your email address to the photographer on the day of your tour, please contact our office so we can assist you.

Photo Availability

Your images will remain available for one year from your tour date (pending storage limits), so be sure to download them in time!

We hope these photos bring back amazing memories of your adventure with us!

Whale Shark swim

Tour available from April – July

Humpback whale swim

Tour available from August – September