With the Government announcement that the completion of contact registers are mandatory for retail outlets we’d like all our potential customers to know we have implemented the following measures for our business during this time. Our booking office located within the Ningaloo Caravan & Holiday Resort, Murat Rd , Exmouth will be open as of the 26th March 2021. We will open daily from this date until September from 9am – 6pm. Our premises has limited space so we ask that perhaps if booking a large family or group, that just one or two people are allocated to conduct the booking for the entire group. Within our office we have QR codes that will enable people to register with the Safe WA app or a manual register will also be available for our customers. For those booked on a tour, we will already have your details as part of our vessel manifest, however should you wish, then there will also be QR codes available on our transfer vehicle if you’d like to scan in.
As per last year, hand sanitiser will be made available at several locations on board our vessel and within our office. We ask that our customers please assist us with safe hygiene practices in our workplace. We will continue to scan people’s temperatures with our non contact thermometer when boarding our vehicle/vessel. As per our terms and conditions, anyone presenting with an elevated temperature and appears unwell will be excluded from tour participation. Covid 19 protocols will remain in place with regular cleaning and sanitising maintained throughout the day.
In accordance with the government Closure and Restrictions (Limit the Spread) Directions (No 7) gatherings on or in a motor vehicle, boat or aircraft are exempt under Section 14(r) from restrictions on gatherings, unless the vehicle is being used for the dominant purpose of serving or consuming food or drink. So under this directive , our tours on board the Magellan are exempt from restrictions on gatherings, other than stipulated under our AMSA Certificate of Survey.
We are excited to commence another season swimming with Whale sharks and Humpback Whales. We hope that border restrictions ease so that our friends outside of Western Australia can enjoy this experience with us.